greek version

Treatment and Surgery Restoration of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

  • Cystoscopy
    Cystostopy is an endoscopic technique which is considered one of the most important “diagnostic urological tests”, for the examination of the lower urinary system. The test takes a short time, is carried out with local anaesthesia and can be performed in the urologist’s private office, provided it is equipped with the proper endoscopic equipment. The test uses a flexible cystoscope with a diameter of a few millimeters, and can check the urethra for damage in the sphincter or narrowing, the urinary bladder walls, the ureter mouths, the prostate size in men, or whether there are stones, a tumor or growth in the urinary bladder. During the cystoscopy, tissue samples can be collected for biopsy, and some pathological damages can be cauterized. After cystoscopy, the patient may experience mild nuisance (burning sensation) during urination, as well as frequent urge to urinate. These problems do not last more than 2-4 hours and are treated with common pain killers. video


  • Urethroscopy
    Urethroscopy is an endoscopic technique which is considered one of the most important “diagnostic urological tests”. The test takes a short time, is carried out with local anaesthesia and can be performed in the urologist’s private office, provided it is equipped with the proper endoscopic equipment. The test uses a flexible cystoscope with a diameter of a few millimeters, and can check the urethra for damage in the sphincter or narrowing, inflammation or exophytic lesion. During the urethroscopy, tissue samples can be collected for biopsy, and some pathological damages can be cauterized. After urethroscopy, the patient may experience mild nuisance (burning sensation) during urination, as well as frequent urge to urinate. These problems do not last more than 2-4 hours and are treated with common painkillers. video


    Cauterization of pathological findings of the external genitalia (e.g. condylomata, ulcerations, callosities)
    Cauterization is a safe method for the treatment of pathological findings of the external genitalia (condylomata, ulcerations, callosities etc.).
    There are 3 treatment techniques:

    • -Cold nitrogen
    • -Laser
    • -Electrocoagulation

    Treatment is safe and the nuisance that the patient may experience during or after the treatment is minimum and can be faced with common painkillers.

