greek version

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

  • In comparison to other age groups, the young and the adolescents belong to the high risk group for acquisition of STDs due to their sexual behaviour (multiple sexual partners, lack of protective measures). Women, in contrast to men, face more serious implications and complications of STDs and are biologically more susceptible to acquiring some diseases, such as HPV, gonorrhea, Chlamydia. Due to the development of infectious diseases of the pelvis, some STDs may lead (men and women) to Infertility, Sexual Behaviour Disorder (dyspareunia, vaginismus, orgasm disorder) or even disorders during pregnancy. It is estimated that 20-30% of premature labour, infant mortality or disabilities is caused by STDs.

    In the table that follows you can be indicatively informed about the symptoms, transmission and treatments of the commonest sexually transmitted diseases.


    Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases are (epigrammatically):

      • -Non gonococcal urethritis
      • -Molluscum Contagiosum
      • -Scabies
      • -Pediculosis pubis
      • -Soft ulcer and Venereal inguinal granuloma
      • -Pearl-like periglanular glands, inflated balano-preputial canal glands