greek version

Dear Visitors,

We are pleased to welcome you to our new website, where the aim is your correct and accurate information regarding the conditions of the urinary system. In this website you will be able to acquire analytical and detailed information on the symptoms, causes and ways of treatment of the conditions of the urinary system, as well as on the findings of all the recent research and technological breakthroughs, mainly but not exclusively, on the field of urology.

The prompt, reliable and correct diagnosis is the key to the proper therapeutical approach to all medical problems. In this way we are enabled to prevent any deteriorations or complications in the course of the disease and provide the patient with a better and more functional quality of life.

The modern medical know-how, clinical knowledge and experience of our associates, as well as the modern medical equipment of our premises will cover your needs and demands and will ensure the correct and proper solution to your problems.


With kind regards,

Anastasios Kalantzis
Surgeon Urologist-Andrologist - FEBU
Urology Clinic
“Henry Dunant” Hospital, Athens, Greece